Cartwheels Around the World

“Cartwheels Around the World” is a super fun part of the “Sustainable Tourism for Kids” project, and it’s all about showing how we can travel in a way that helps the planet. The idea is simple: kids like you can do cartwheels at cool places when you’re on vacation and share your videos with everyone. It’s a way to have fun and also learn about being good to the environment!

I’m also traveling to different countries and doing cartwheels near famous landmarks to get people excited about taking care of the places we visit. Imagine seeing me do a cartwheel near the Eiffel Tower or in front of Big Ben! It’s all about showing that we can explore the world and still keep it beautiful for everyone.

I want you to follow along on my adventure! Do your own cartwheels! Together, we can help spread the message that traveling can be fun and sustainable. So, are you ready to join me and make the world a better place, one cartwheel at a time?